Writing Skills VB

受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
(1) 英専 後期 3 1 David J.Zmijewski

Introduction to Academic Writing

The second semester of this third-year writing course will further develop the skills learned in the first semester. Both self-editing and peer-editing skills will be taught. The students will be expected to produce an essay containing appropriate, and properly cited, outside sources. The length and subject matter of the project is up to the instructor. The final project must demonstrate that the student has learned the fundamentals of college-level academic writing.

In the second semester, we will begin with argumentative essays.
Students will learn how to take a stance, organize their opinions, and
defend their ideas in a logical, intelligent manner. Students will also
be introduced to academic writing in preparation for their graduation
theses. They will be instructed on how to bring outside sources into
their writing and the reasons for doing this. The MLA Handbook will be
introduced and explained.

Regular attendance, class participation, and completion of all homework assignments are required to receive a passing grade in this class. In addition, a final project of 4-5 typed pages will be required to demonstrate each student's understanding of the basics of academic writing.

テキスト書名 編・著者名 出版社 価格
No Text. Handouts will be provided by the teacher.      
